Tutorial: Web Testing Made Easy with Python

Have you ever discovered a bug in a web app? Yuck! Almost everyone has. Bugs look bad, interrupt the user’s experience, and cheapen the web app’s value. Severe bugs can incur serious business costs and tarnish the provider’s reputation.

So, how can we prevent these bugs from reaching users? The best way to catch bugs is to test the web app. However, web UI testing can be difficult: it requires more effort than unit testing, and it has a bad rap for being flaky.

Never fear! Recently, I teamed up with the awesome folks at TestProject to develop a helpful tutorial that makes web UI test automation easy with the power of Python! The tutorial is named Web Testing Made Easy with Python, Pytest and Selenium WebDriver. It is available for free as a set of TestProject blog articles together with a GitHub example project.

In our tutorial, we will build a simple yet robust web UI test solution using Pythonpytest, and Selenium WebDriver. We cover strategies for good test design as well as patterns for good automation code. By the end of the tutorial, you’ll be a web test automation champ! Your Python test project can be the foundation for your own test cases, too.

How can you take the tutorial? Start reading here, and follow the instructions: https://blog.testproject.io/2019/07/16/open-source-test-automation-python-pytest-selenium-webdriver/

I personally want to thank TestProject for this collaboration. TestProject provides helpful tools that can supercharge your test automation. They offer a smart test recorder, a bunch of add-ons that act like test case building blocks, an SDK that can make test automation coding easier, and beautiful analytics to see exactly what the tests are doing. Not only is TestProject a cool platform, but the people with whom I’ve worked there are great. Be sure to check it out!

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