WebDriver Element Existence vs. Appearance

Web UI tests with Selenium WebDriver must interact with elements on a Web page. Locating elements can be tricky because expected elements may or may not be on the page. Furthermore, WebDriver might not be able to interact with some elements that exist on the page. That may seem crazy, but let’s understand why.

Web UI interactions universally follow these steps:

  1. Wait for an element to be ready.
  2. Get the element using a locator (ID, CSS selector, XPath, etc.).
  3. Send commands (like clicking or typing) or queries (like getting text) to the element.

Clearly, an element must be “ready” before interactions can happen. As humans, we intuitively define “ready” as, “The page is loaded, and the element is visible.” Automation code is a bit more technical because there are two different ways to define readiness:

  1. Existence: the element exists in the HTML structure of the page.
  2. Appearance: the element exists and it is visible on the page.

Existence can easily be determined by WebDriver’s “find elements” method. The plural “find elements” method will return a list of all elements matching a locator query. If no elements match the locator, then an empty list is returned. The singular “find element” method, on the other hand, will return the first element matching the locator or throw an exception if no elements are found. Thus, the plural version is more convenient to use for checking existence.

Here’s an example existence method in C#:

public bool Exists(IWebDriver driver, By locator) =>
    driver.FindElements(locator).Count > 0;

Checking for existence is the most basic level of readiness. If an element doesn’t exist, interactions with it simply cannot happen. However, existence alone may not be sufficient for interactions. Selenium WebDriver requires elements to not only exist but also to be displayed for interactions like sending clicks and scraping text. Existing elements may be scrolled out of view or even deliberately hidden. WebDriver calls to such elements will yield cryptic exceptions. That’s why waiting for appearance is usually the better readiness condition.

Here’s an example appearance method in C#:

// Assume that the locator targets one element, not multiple
public bool Appears(IWebDriver driver, By locator) =>
    Exists(driver, locator) && driver.FindElement(locator).Displayed;

Existence must be checked first, or else the “Displayed” call will throw an exception whenever existence is false.

Putting it all together, here’s what a button click interaction could look like in C#:

// Assume this is a method in a Page Object class
// Assume that "Driver" is the WebDriver instance
public void ClickThatButton()
    var button = By.Id("that-button");
    var wait = new WebDriverWait(Driver, new System.Timespan(0, 0, 15));
    wait.Until((driver) => Appears(driver, button));

It’s good practice to make explicit waits before locating and using elements. It’s also good practice to get fresh elements for every interaction call in order to avoid pesky stale element exceptions. Calls like these should be placed in Page Object methods or Screenplay Pattern tasks and questions so that interactions are safe and thorough.

Appearance may not always be the right choice. There may be times when a test should check if an element doesn’t exist or if an element exists but is hidden. Just think before you code.


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