The Airing of Grievances

It’s an open secret that bad practices are rampant in the software industry. Unreadable code. Perpetually failing tests. Pointless, boring meetings. Buzzword bingo. No discipline is perfect, but as a purist, bad practices really bother me. Somedays, I just feel like this:

The struggle is real.

There are times when we all need to vent. Well, here’s mine: it’s the Airing of Grievances! I got a lot of problems with bad practices in the software industry, and now you’re gonna hear about it! So, put up that Festivus pole and serve that meatloaf on lettuce, because the Automation Panda has a whole series about how not to develop software!

The Airing of Grievances

  1. Software Development
  2. Version Control
  3. Test Automation Process
  4. Test Automation Code
  5. Selenium WebDriver
  6. Agile
  7. Behavior-Driven Development

Use this series as a tongue-in-cheek guide for better practices. If you do, then you just might have a Festivus miracle!

When things work right and it’s not a big deal.


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