The Airing of Grievances: Test Automation Code

More grievances! Test code ought to be developed with the same high standards as product code, but often it is neglected. That bothers me so much, and it costs teams a significant amount of time and money through its bad consequences. I got a lot of problems with bad test automation code, and now you’re gonna hear about it!


Code duplication is code cancer. It is particularly rampant in test automation because test steps are often repetitive. That’s no excuse, however, to allow it. Use better programming practices, or face my code review rejections!

Hard-Coded Configuration Data

Automation should be able to run on any environment without hassle. Don’t hard-code URLs, usernames, passwords, and other config-specific values! Read them in as inputs or config files. Nothing is more frustrating than switching environments but – surprise! – not running with the correct values.

Re-reading Inputs for Every Single Test

Config files and input values should not change during a test suite run. So, don’t repeatedly read them! That’s inefficient. Read them once, and hold them in memory in a centrally-accessible location.

Leaving Temporary Files or Settings

Clean up your mess! Don’t leave temporary files or settings after a test completes. Not doing proper cleanup can harm future tests. Files can also build up and eventually run the system out of storage space. It’s a Boy Scout principle: Leave No Trace!

Incorrect Test Results

Test results need integrity to be trusted. Watch out for false positives and false negatives. If there’s a problem during a test, handle it – don’t ignore it. Don’t skip assertion calls. Business decisions are made based on test results.

Uninformative Failure Messages

Here’s one: “Failed.” That tells me nothing. Why did the test fail? Was something missing from a web page? Was there an unexpected exception? Did a service call return 500? TELL ME! Otherwise, I need to waste time rerunning and even debugging the test. The failure may also be intermittent. Tell me what the problem is right when it happens.

Making Assertion Calls in Automation Support Code

Every automated test case must make assertions to verify goodness or badness of system conditions. But, as a best practice, those assertion calls should be written only in the test case code – not in support code like page objects or framework-level classes. Assertions are test-specific, while support code is generic. Support code should simply give system state, while test cases use assertions to validate system state. If support code has assertion calls, then it is far less reusable and traceable.

Treating Boolean Methods like Assertions

This is an all-too-common rookie mistake. Boolean methods simply return a true/false value. They do not (or, as least according to the previous grievance, should not) contain assertion calls. However, I’ve seen many code reviews where programmers call a Boolean method but do nothing with the result. Whoops!

Burying Exceptions

Exceptions mean problems. Test automation is meant to expose problems. Don’t blindly catch all exceptions, log a message, and continue on with a test like nothing’s wrong. Let the exception rise! Most modern test frameworks will catch all exceptions at the test case level, automatically report them as failures, and safely move on to the next test. There is no need to catch exceptions yourself if they ought to abort the test, anyway – that adds a lot of unnecessary code. Catch exceptions only if they are recoverable!

No Automatic Recovery

True automation means no manual intervention. An automation framework should have built-in ways to automatically recover from common problems. For example, if a network connection breaks, automatically attempt to reconnect. If a test fails, retry it. If too many failures happen, either end the run early or pause for some time. And make sure recovery mechanisms are built into the framework, rather than appearing as copypasta throughout the codebase. The purpose of retries (especially for tests) is not to blindly run tests until they turn from red to green, but rather to overcome unexpected interruptions and also to gather more data to better understand failure reasons. Interruptions will happen – handle them when they do. And be sure to log any failures that do happen so that the reasons may be investigated.

No Logging

Please leave a helpful trail of log messages. Tracing through automation code can be difficult after a failure, especially when you’re not the original author. Logging helps everyone quickly get to the root cause of failures. It also really helps to create reproduction scenarios. If I can copy the log from a failing tests into a bug report and be done, then AMEN for an easy triage!

Hard Waits

Ain’t nobody got time for that! Automation needs to be fast, because time is money. Forcing Thread.sleep (or other such equivalent in your language of choice) shows either laziness or desperation. It unnecessarily wastes precious runtime. It also creates race conditions: what if the wait time ends before the thing is ready? Always use “smart” waits – actively and repeatedly check the system at short intervals for the thing to be ready, and abort after a healthy timeout value.


  1. Great stuff, some really good suggestions in here.

    There’s one recommendation I strongly disagree with, though, and that’s ‘If a test fails, retry it’.

    A failed test tells you something. Either your test isn’t stable, or your application under test did something unexpected. Either way, there’s reason for further investigation in a failed test, and ‘retrying until green’ to me is akin to sticking your head in the sand.


    1. Bas, to clarify – When I said “If a test fails, retry it,” I did not mean to blindly keep running the same test until it turns from red to green. The intent of rerunning the test is twofold: to gather more data and to overcome intermittent issues. Any reasons for failures should certainly be logged, too, so someone can investigate the reasons for failure afterwards. A failed test does indeed indicate something. If retries fail, then it’s obvious that there’s a defect somewhere, whether in the product or in the automation. If retries pass, then there’s some intermittent issue to be handled. And it’s way better to get automatic retries in the moment than to reset tests later.

      To avoid confusion, I’ll update the post.

      Thanks for reading!


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